I have an index where I would like insert, update and delete rows with realtime index but a index_rt wrong works.
It's a common index config:
index jobResumeIndex
source = jobResumeSource
path = {{path_to_data}}/{{data_file_name}}/jobResumeIndex
morphology = stem_enru
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F, U+401->U+0435, U+451->U+0435
min_prefix_len = 3
#min_infix_len = 3
index_exact_words = 1
expand_keywords = 1
and it is a real time config:
index jobResumeRT
type = rt
source = jobResumeSource
path = {{path_to_data}}/{{data_file_name}}/jobResume
#Список полей для записи
rt_field = post
rt_field = wage
rt_field = currency_id
rt_field = tariff_rate_id
rt_field = business_trip_id
rt_field = work_experience_id
rt_field = citizenship_id
rt_field = geo_place_id
rt_field = age
rt_field = gender
rt_field = only_with_avatar
rt_field = only_with_portfolio
rt_field = only_with_wage
rt_field = visible
rt_field = status
rt_field = updated_at
rt_field = about_me
rt_field = fio
rt_field = work_permit_ids
rt_field = prof_area_ids
rt_field = driver_license_ids
rt_field = skills
rt_field = employment_ids
rt_field = schedule_ids
rt_field = education_ids
rt_field = contacts
rt_field = language_codes
rt_field = experience_text
rt_field = portfolio_text
rt_field = course_text
rt_attr_string = post
rt_attr_uint = wage
rt_attr_uint = currency_id
rt_attr_uint = tariff_rate_id
rt_attr_uint = business_trip_id
rt_attr_uint = work_experience_id
rt_attr_uint = citizenship_id
rt_attr_uint = geo_place_id
rt_attr_uint = age
rt_attr_uint = gender
rt_attr_uint = only_with_avatar
rt_attr_uint = only_with_portfolio
rt_attr_uint = only_with_wage
rt_attr_uint = visible
rt_attr_uint = status
rt_attr_uint = updated_at
rt_attr_string = about_me
rt_attr_string = fio
rt_attr_string = work_permit_ids
rt_attr_string = prof_area_ids
rt_attr_string = driver_license_ids
rt_attr_string = skills
rt_attr_string = employment_ids
rt_attr_string = schedule_ids
rt_attr_string = education_ids
rt_attr_string = contacts
rt_attr_string = language_codes
rt_attr_string = experience_text
rt_attr_string = portfolio_text
rt_attr_string = course_text
rt_mem_limit = 512M
morphology = stem_enru
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F, U+401->U+0435, U+451->U+0435
min_prefix_len = 3
index_exact_words = 1
expand_keywords = 1
and it's here combine both indexs in one:
index jobResume
type = distributed
local = jobResumeIndex
local = jobResumeRT
then when I trying insert new record:
mysql> insert into jobResumeRT values(119,'Инженер - инспектор по безопасности полетов',0,190,193,7,15,0,538560,'14',1,1,0,0,1,2,'1575616137','','Иван Иванов ','','12,211','','{1057369: PHP (PHP4, PHP5, PHP5.5, HPHP)}','1','10','1234567898','','','','','');
ERROR 1064 (42000): row 1, column 3: string expected
third field currency_id must be an integer type, why string expected? I don't understand(
Firstly RT indexes DON'T have a 'source'. They contain the data directly, not loading from a remote source. It might not be an erorr to specify source=
, but will be ignored
RT indexes create their schema, from the rt_field
and the rt_attr_*
As such the schema won't be the same as the local/disk index. Will usually be same order as defined in index defintion, but can vary (if index has undergone edits)
... best to run a DESCRIBE jobResumeRT
to find the actual order of all the columns in the index. Then when doing an INSERT
etc without naming the columns, insert the columns in same order as returned from DESCRIBE.
Or do an insert, by naming the columns in the command, in same order. This may actually be better, as can then insert into a string attribute and field at once.