Although i have found many examples on reading a text file line by line or reading the Nth line, i cannot find anything on how to read from Nth to Mth line.
The file is somewhat big, ~5 Gigabytes (~10 million lines).
EDIT: The lines don't have fixed length.
You can use readline functionality to read file as stream without loading it to RAM as a whole. Here is an example of how it can be done:
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
function readFromN2M(filename, n, m, func) {
const lineReader = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filename),
let lineNumber = 0;
lineReader.on('line', function(line) {
if (lineNumber >= n && lineNumber < m) {
func(line, lineNumber);
Let's try it:
// whatever you would like to do with those lines
const fnc = (line, number) => {
// e.g. print them to console like this:
console.log(`--- number: ${number}`);
// read from this very file, lines from 4 to 7 (excluding 7):
readFromN2M(__filename, 4, 7, fnc);
This gives the output:
// --- number: 4
// function readFromN2M(filename, n, m, func) {
// --- number: 5
// const lineReader = readline.createInterface({
// --- number: 6
// input: fs.createReadStream(filename),
Lines are numerated starting from 1. To start from 0 just modify the numbering a little.
I've just realized, that this approach is not 100% safe in a sense that if some file is not ended with new line char then the very last line of such a file would not be read this way. This is the way readline is designed... To overcome that I go to prepare file streams in little more sophisticated way - by adding new line chars to those streams when required. This would make the solution somewhat longer. But it is all possible.
As you've mentioned in the comment the lineReader continues to walk through the even after desired lines have been already found, which slows down the application. I think to we can stop it like this:
lineReader.on('line', function(line) {
if (lineNumber >= n && lineNumber < m) {
func(line, lineNumber);
next 3 lines should stop lineReader 'soon', but not immediately as explained in official docs
if (lineNumber > m) {
I believe this should do the trick.