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What will be "session_memcached_host:" when I use Memcache service provided by Google Cloud Application Flex. Engine?

I am evaluating Symfony 5.0.1 with Google Cloud Application Flexible Engine.

I couldn't use Memcache service provided in App Engine because I don't know which "memcached_host" should be used. Memcache in Application Engine

I tried using "session_memcached_host:localhost" in services.yaml but it doesn't work

Same Project of Symfony is tested locally and it works well with local Memcache server (in my local setup).


  • Here is an example of a PHP app using memcache on Google App Engine Standard.

    Here specifically you can see how you should configure memcache to work on App Engine

    I have tried the example above myself and it's working as expected.

    NOTE: You have mentioned App Engine Flex but provided examples and docs on Standard.

    Memcache is currently generally available for App Engine Standard.

    Please keep in mind that there are huge differences between App Engine Flex and Standard.