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How to extend a telerik asp ajax control

I had to extend my telerik ajax control for a library. Backend as well as frontend. Below is my tutorial how I did it. If there are any other ways pls post them as well.


  • This is a tutorial to extend a telerik control.

    Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Version: 2014Q1
    css folder: ~/css
    css sprite folder: ~/css/sprites
    script folder: ~/scripts

    Hints: Embed Resource:

    Target: Extension for RadDropDownList which allows a visual invalidation → a library (dll) of extended controls

    1) create a extended class and make it fields available

    MyDropDownList.cs (Library):

    namespace myLibrary {
     public class MyDropDownList: Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownList {
      private bool _isValid = true;
      private string _errorMessage = "";
      private string _toolTip = "";
      public bool IsValid {
       get {
        return _isValid;
       set {
        _isValid = value;
      public string ErrorMessage {
       get {
        return _errorMessage;
       set {
        _errorMessage = value;
      public override string ToolTip {
       get {
        return base.ToolTip;
       set {
        _toolTip = value;
        base.ToolTip = value;

    Recompile your library and set a reference in your project ( Then include it to your project.

    Web.config (Project): add

                <add tagPrefix="mp" namespace="myProject" assembly="myProject" />

    Site.aspx (Project):

    <mp:OwnDropDownList runat="server" ErrorMessage="Error" ToolTip="tooltip">
       //.... some RadDropDownList properties (like Items)

    2) Backend functions

    We want to change the appearance of the dropdown (like an invalide textbox) and change the tooltip to an other text.


    .riErrorDropDown > .rddlInner {
        background-color: white !important;
        border-color: orangered !important;
        background-image: none !important;
        .riErrorDropDown > .rddlInner > .rddlFakeInput {
            border-color: #d51923;
            background: transparent 100% -299px no-repeat url('<%=WebResource("myLibrary.css.sprites.ddAndWarnSprite.png")%>') !important;
            color: #d51923;

    myLibrary.css.sprites.ddAndWarnSprite.png is the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Default.Input.sprite.gif

    now we have to set the style
    Change MyDropDownList.cs (Library):

    public bool IsValid {
     set {
      // set Css and tooltip 
      if (value) {
       base.ToolTip = _toolTip;
       this.CssClass = this.CssClass.Replace(" riErrorDropDown", "");
      } else {
       base.ToolTip = _errorMessage;
       if (!this.CssClass.Contains("riErrorDropDown"))
        this.CssClass += " riErrorDropDown";
      //set the value
      _isValid = value;

    Now we have to define our WebResources
    Add in AssemblyInfo.cs (Library):

    [assembly: WebResource("", "text/css", PerformSubstitution = true)]
    //Css related pictures
    [assembly: WebResource("myLibrary.css.sprites.ddAndWarnSprite.png", "img/png")]

    In the end we have to include the css into our project.
    Add in the body of the Site.Master

    <telerik:RadStyleSheetManager runat="server" ID="RadStyleSheetManager1">
          <telerik:StyleSheetReference Assembly="myLibrary" Name="" />

    3) Frontend functions

    We have to create a client side equivalant to our MyDropDownList.cs


    String.prototype.replaceAll = function (find, replace) {
        var str = this;
        return str.replace(new RegExp(find.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'g'), replace);
    //Class Constructor
    myLibrary.MyDropDownList = function (element) {
        //call base constructor 
        myLibrary.MyDropDownList.initializeBase(this, [element]);
        //control fields
        //control fields from server side 
        this._invalid = null;
        this._invalidText = null;
        this._validText = null;
    //Class Prototype
    myLibrary.MyDropDownList.prototype =
            // Release resources before control is disposed.
            dispose: function () {
                myLibrary.MyDropDownList.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
            // initialize resources
            initialize: function () {
                myLibrary.MyDropDownList.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
             ***** child functions  **
            set_invalid: function (bool) {
                this._invalid = bool;
                var css = "riErrorDropDown";
                var element = this._element;
                if (bool) {
                    element.className += " " + css;
                    element.title = this._invalidText;
                } else {
                    element.className = element.className.replaceAll(" " + css, "");
                    element.title = this._validText;
    // register a class with its base 
    myLibrary.MyDropDownList.registerClass("myLibrary.MyDropDownList", Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownList);
    //Notify Scriptmanager that script is loaded 
    if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') {

    This javascript has to be included as webresource:

    Add in AssemblyInfo.cs (Library):

    [assembly: WebResource("myLibrary.scripts.MyDropDownList.js", "text/javascript")]

    And now we have to connect the backend with the frontend.
    Change in MyDropDownList.cs (Library):

    namespace myLibrary {
      [ClientScriptResource("myLibrary.MyDropDownList", "myLibrary.scripts.MyDropDownList.js")]
      public class MyDropDownList: Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownList { 
        // Set frontend properties
        protected override void DescribeComponent(IScriptDescriptor descriptor) {
          // Set client side fields
          descriptor.AddProperty("_invalid", !_isValid);
          descriptor.AddProperty("_invalidText", _errorMessage);
          descriptor.AddProperty("_validText", _toolTip);