For my current project i needed a solver. My selection fell on IPOPT.
When trying to install IPOPT for Python using Anaconda i stumbled upon multiple problems.
For example:
conda install ipopt
installed the ipopt package formally but trying to import it afterwards in Python didn't work.
import ipopt
failed with:
No module named "ipopt".
Reading the docs of ipopt, cyipopt and pyipopt didn't bring any clarification.
Windows 10 64bit, Anaconda 1.9.7, Python 3.7.5 (64bit)
This is what fixed the problem for me and allowed for a clean ipopt installation in a seperate environment:
conda create -y -n ipopt_env
conda activate ipopt_env
conda install -y -c pycalphad cyipopt
This should install ipopt into your current environment:
conda install -y -c pycalphad cyipopt
python -c “import ipopt”
should not return anything.
Execute the following in python for access to the documentation:
import ipopt