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Subscribes/Notifies in Chef

I have recently started working on CHEF Recipes and was trying to learn about subscribes/notifies in CHEF

Scenario: Wrote a recipe to install sendmail package, have a local copy of on CHEF that i am deploying on the Node[Client].

I read about notifies/subscribes and what i am trying to do is when there is a change in the file at /etc/mail/ sendmail service should be cycled.

for which i am using subscribes . But when i manually change the on the client to trigger Chef to overwrite the file and wait for the service to be restarted for sendmail i see the below error

  • service[sendmail] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing)

package "sendmail"

service "sendmail" do
    action [:enable, :start] 

cookbook_file '/etc/mail/' do
    action [:create]
    source ''
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'

service 'sendmail' do
    subscribes :restart, 'file[/etc/mail/]', :immediately


  • I think the duplicate service definition with the same name ("sendmail") could be a reason. But also your subscribes targets the wrong resource file instead of cookbook_file!

    Given that most users and public cookbooks use "notifies" instead of "subscribes", I would rewrite it to:

    package 'sendmail'
    cookbook_file '/etc/mail/' do
      source ''
      owner 'root'
      group 'root'
      action :create
      notifies :restart, 'service[sendmail]', :immediately # not sure about the *:immediately* here, usually at the end of converge is sufficient.
    service 'sendmail' do
      action [:enable, :start]