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Need to retrieve all files Urls ,which are stored in google cloud bucket using node.js functions(All files )

How can i retrieve all files which are stored in google cloud bucket. (ALL FILES)?

Thanks and Regards, Tapas


  • Here is a solution that I have tested using a Node.js 8 HTTP Cloud Function. You can use it for the reference and modify it according to your needs:

    My index.js file:

    exports.listFiles = async(req, res) => {
      let bucketName = req.body.bucket || req.query.bucket
      // Import the Google Cloud Storage library
      const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
      // Initiate a Storage client
      const storage = new Storage();
      // List files in the bucket and store their name in the array called 'result'
      const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles();
      let result = [];
      files.forEach(file => {
      // Send the result upon a successful request

    My package.json file:

      "name": "sample-http",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "dependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/storage": "^4.1.3"

    How to call it:

    It can be called via the URL provided for triggering the function, by appending that URL with /?bucket=<name-of-your-bucket>:


    Alternatively, it can also be called using curl:

     curl --data "bucket=<name-of-your-bucket>" https://<functions-region>-<project-name><function-name>

    Sample Output:



    Here's how you can change the index.js file to get the URLs instead of the filenames:

      const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles();
      let result = [];
      files.forEach(file => {
        result.push("" + bucketName + "/" +;

    The whole index.js file:

    exports.listFiles = async(req, res) => {
      let bucketName = req.body.bucket || req.query.bucket
      // Import the Google Cloud Storage library
      const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
      // Initiate a Storage client
      const storage = new Storage();
      // List files in the bucket and store their name in the array called 'result'
      const [files] = await storage.bucket(bucketName).getFiles();
      let result = [];
      files.forEach(file => {
        result.push("" + bucketName + "/" +;
      // Send the result upon a successful request