I want to create a self-executable archive using Makeself. I referred to makeself.io but didn't understand anything from it. What are the steps for making a Makeself self-executable archive?
If I run this executable on any operating system then it should be work and do my required task.
Here I am giving example of archiving UBUNTU ISO in self executable archive. (This is only for understanding)
1.First download makeself into your machine.
apt install makeself
You could download makeself from official website Or Press here
Then you will get file names as makeself-2.4.0.run.
Simply run this file by ./makeself-2.4.0.run
It will automatically create one directory named as makeself-2.4.0.
2.Then create a directory which you want to archive .
mkdir ISO
3.Then copy your ISO file in this directory.
cp <Source Path> <Destination Path> // Here destination path is ISO
4.Then create a script named as copy.sh
vim Copy.sh
Inside this script write what you want to do with this ISO. SO I want to copy this ISO into my /home/Downloads folder. So I write in script
cp -r <filename> /home/Downloads
echo "File Copied Successfully"
##// Remember This script will automatically run after extracting this folder //
Give permssion to script
chmod 777 Copy.sh
cd ..
So now you have 1 ISO directory and in that directory 1 ISO(UBUNTU iso) file and 1 script(Copy.sh).
5.Now run this command
makeself --pbzip2 ISO Copy_ISO.run "Copying ISO File" ./Copy.sh
It will generate Copy_ISO.run file.
So you can run this Copy_ISO.run file on any system.
6.Command to run is -->
This will copy your UBUNTU ISO file in /home/ directory. You can run this script on any system. You don't need to carry another zip file of UBUNTU ISO.