I am creating a service that needs to decline events, when certain conditions are met, from a room's perspective and update the event on attendees' calendars.
While declining the meeting is simple, I am struggling to update the event on a user's calendar. I assume that I would do this using update eventMessage.
Right now I have the ID of the event that is declined and I need to associate that event with its eventMessage. Therefore, I am making the following request:
`/users/${roomEmail}/messages?$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event($select=id;$filter=id eq ${meetingId})`
What I am trying to do is get all messages, then expand so that I see the events associated with each message, then filter each event by its ID until I find the event that I care about. Once I have that event, I can send an update to its eventMessage.
However, I get the error "Parsing Select and Expand failed."
Where am I going wrong?
As the id is not a number value, I believe you may need to add single quotes around the meetingID parameter at the end.
`/users/${roomEmail}/messages?$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event($select=id;$filter=id eq '${meetingId})'`