I am having a form-urlencoded
request as follows:
but I have to convert this request in json as follows:
"auth_token": "xxxxxxxx",
{ "phone": "xxxxx", "name": "xxxx" },
{ "phone": "112", "name": "Distress Number" },
{ "phone": "1800-300-xxxx", "name": "UIDAI" },
{ "phone": "44 xxxxx, "name": "Ab zz" }
Here below is my code which I am trying:
index(req_data) {
const self = this;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(typeof req_data)
let req_body = {}
req_body.version = req_data.version;
req_body.auth_token = req_data.auth_token;
let contacts_list = [];
return Promise.each(req_data.zcontacts,(contact, key, length) => {
// Logic starts from here
if(key === 0) {
phone: req_data.zcontacts[key],
name: req_data.zcontacts[(key+1)]
} else if(key > 0) {
phone: req_data.zcontacts[(key+3)],
name: req_data.zcontacts[(key+4)]
}).then(() => {
req_body.zcontacts = contacts_list;
Can anyone suggest what should be changed in the code under the loop?
I got it:
return Promise.each(req_data.zcontacts,(contact, key, length) => {
if(key % 2 === 0) {
phone: req_data.zcontacts[key],
name: req_data.zcontacts[(key+1)]
}).then(() => {
req_body.zcontacts = contacts_list;