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Vaadin 8 the window is rolled back to the beginning when the value in the component changes

In my application, I need a pop-up window with a lot of content that does not fit completely into the browser window and has a scroll bar. I have already tried to show a pop-up window using Browser Window Opener, but ran into the following problem (enter link description here). Following the advice suggested in the comments, I changed Browser Window Opener to Window in modal mode.

The resulting main view:

enter image description here

And modal view:

enter image description here

The modal window contains 200 TextFields. At first glance, everything looks good, but if I scroll the window down and try to enter data, for example, in a field 22, then the scroll wheel is unwound to the beginning of the window:

enter image description here

The code for add window:

button.addClickListener(e -> { TestForm subForm = new TestForm();

        Window subWindow = new Window("460006801");



public class TestForm extends FormLayout implements Serializable{
    public Button save = new Button("Save");

    public TestForm() {
        for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
            TextField textField = new TextField("field " + i);

    public void saveConfigs() {
        System.out.print("Save ");

What I really need is of course that when changing the value in the text box, the focus on the page stays in the same place instead of scrolling to the beginning.


  • The problem is the same as that presented by the link the problem

    The solution is to set the "height" parameter to 100%