I want to use use kamon with lagom.
I added the kamon bundle in my application and kanela-plugin, as per the documentation kanela should automatically start and instrumentation should begin but nothing happens.
Moreover I want to use log-reporter but I am not able to find "factory" to provide in the config file to use kamon-log-reporter module.
I added this plugin :-
addSbtPlugin("io.kamon" % "sbt-kanela-runner" % "2.0.3")
This is my build.sbt file:-
val kamon = "io.kamon" %% "kamon-bundle" % "2.0.4"
val logReporter = "io.kamon" %% "kamon-log-reporter" % "0.6.8"
lazy val `root` = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(`root-api`, `root-impl`)
.settings(libraryDependencies in ThisBuild ++= Seq(macwire,kamon,logReporter))
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")
javaOptions in Universal += "-DKamon.auto-start=true",
This is my log-reporter conf:-
enabled = true
description = "Logs the metrics"
factory = "" //don't know what to add here
is old, and hasn't been updated to keep up with the latest changes in Kamon (1.0 and 2.0). You won't have any luck getting it working with sbt-kanela-runner
(which is brand new).
Instead, try kamon-logback - which provides instructions for how to get a trace ID logged. To look up other information about a particular trace, you'll have to run something like zipkin or jaeger alongside (or use a cloud service, like Kamon APM); I don't know if there are any reporters that output text any more.