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Do the webview in flutter cached web page?

I want to cache the web page I display in flutter webview so to improve my performance, no need to reload the page. Is that available? and can I implement it?


  • flutter_inappwebview(former flutter_inappbrowser)
    Has parameter cacheEnabled. Default value is true.
    cacheEnabled sets whether the WebView should use browser caching

    flutter_webview_plugin community version
    Has parameter appCacheEnabled to enable cache

        key: _scaffoldKey,
        url: widget.url,
        clearCache: true,
        appCacheEnabled: true,      

    webview_flutter official version
    Do not provide parameter , you can check with Android Source code

    Default cache mode depend on iOS WKWebView and Android WebView
    Default cache mode of Android WebView is LOAD_DEFAULT
    Default cache usage mode. If the navigation type doesn't impose any specific behavior, use cached resources when they are available and not expired, otherwise load resources from the network.