I am trying to call the Google CSE Api from my localhost Docker container. Apparently, this is not working because of that.
to false in order to prevent SSL certificate verification, but with no success.
If anyone has any thought on this, help would be appreciated.
My code:
// Create the google api client
$googleClient = new Google_Client();
// Set the google developer api key
// for development purposes
$guzzleConfig = [
'curl' => [CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false],
'headers' => ['Referer' => 'localhost:8080'],
$guzzleClient = new Client($guzzleConfig);
// The google custom search service client
$this->googleService = new Google_Service_Customsearch($googleClient);
// Define the search parameters
$this->searchParams = [
'cx' => self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID, // Custom search engine identifier
'gl' => 'en', // Location of results
'lr' => 'lang_en', // Language of results
'num' => 10, // Number of results (max. 10)
'start' => 0, // The current index (max. 10)
I solved my issue by setting the start
parameter to 1 instead of 0. Apparently, setting it to be 0
trigger a fatal error on the server side which causes the error 400 Invalid Value
and no other information.
Strange but working.