Currently I have two Xcode version 10.2
and 11.1
One Carthage update, build is failing with following error.
I have checked Carthage logged . It is showing following error.
I have tried different commands as follows
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
carthage update --platform iOS --verbose
I am not able to build the project successfully getting following error.
Module compiled with Swift 4.2.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.0 compiler
All helps are appreciated.
You mention that you have two versions of Xcode installed, so my guess is that you/Carthage are trying to build using the "wrong" version of Xcode.
You can see which version of Xcode is being used for command line tools (which is what Carthage uses for building) in (at least) two ways
Typing this command in the terminal:
xcode-select -p
Will give you the location of the Xcode version currently being used. For instance:
if your command line tools are set to use the default Xcode
To change to a different version of Xcode you can use this command
sudo xcode-select -s path-to-xcode-you-would-like-to-use/Contents/Developer
Open Preferences and select the "Locations" tab.
Here you can see and change which version of Xcode is being used for command line tools under "Command Line Tools".
Try changing the version and see if that doesn't help you.