I am trying to figure out how to run Elixir Phoenix on Heroku using Docker. I am pretty much using this Dockerfile: (https://github.com/jpiepkow/phoenix-docker/blob/master/Dockerfile)
# ---- Build Base Stage ----
FROM elixir:1.9.1-alpine AS app_builder
RUN apk add --no-cache=true \
gcc \
g++ \
git \
make \
RUN mix do local.hex --force, local.rebar --force
# ---- Build Deps Stage ----
FROM app_builder as deps
COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./
RUN mix do deps.get --only=$MIX_ENV, deps.compile
# ---- Build Release Stage ----
FROM deps as releaser
COPY config ./config
COPY lib ./lib
COPY priv ./priv
RUN mix release && \
cat mix.exs | grep app: | sed -e 's/ app: ://' | tr ',' ' ' | sed 's/ //g' > app_name.txt
# ---- Final Image Stage ----
FROM alpine:3.9 as app
RUN apk add --no-cache bash libstdc++ openssl
ENV CMD=start
COPY --from=releaser ./_build .
COPY --from=releaser ./app_name.txt ./app_name.txt
CMD ["sh","-c","./prod/rel/$(cat ./app_name.txt)/bin/$(cat ./app_name.txt) $CMD"]
I have pushed to Heroku and the app is running but when I try to using database things that's when it blows up. The logs say the database needs to be migrated, which makes sense since I haven't done it. But now I realize I'm not sure how to do that when mix
is not available and I'm using Docker.
Does anyone know how to create and migrate postgres heroku when deployed with Docker?
Create the lib/my_app/release.ex
mentioned in https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/releases.html#ecto-migrations-and-custom-commands
bash into Heroku release container (this is different behavior from, for example, a Rails app):
heroku run bash --app my_app
Two options:
./prod/rel/my_app/bin/my_app start_iex
Then run
./prod/rel/my_app/bin/my_app eval ""MyApp.Release.migrate"