Search code examples

Array error from psql: Array value must begin with "}" or dimension information

I have three tables:

  1. text: text in lines

  2. trigram: trigram of all text lines

  3. text_trigram: trigrams that a text line contains, intermediate table

I tried to execute this:

create or replace function get_values(IN t_id integer[], IN tri_id integer[], OUT count_values integer[][])
as $$
    count_value integer[];
    rec integer;
    tri_n integer := array_length(tri_id, 1);
    for rec in select unnest(tri_id)
        select into count_value count(text_id) from unnest(t_id) as required_t_id(r_t_id) left join text_trigram on text_id = required_t_id.r_t_id and trigram_id = rec group by text_id;
        count_values := array_cat(count_values, count_value);
    end loop;
end; $$
language plpgsql;

Execution was fine, after I executed this:

select * from get_values(ARRAY[9,210,999], ARRAY[621, 3266]);

the error message came out

Array error: Array value must begin with "}" or dimension information

I tried below as well,

select * from get_values('{9,210,999}','{621,3266}');

and I got a error message:

function get_values(unkonwn, unknown) is not clear


  • You are trying to store multiple rows returned by the query into a single integer (the result of a count(text_id)) into an array (count_value) - that won't work.

    You need to aggregate the values into a single array and put that result into the variable, as you have a group by, you need to wrap the query.

    select array_agg(cnt)
      into count_value 
    from (
      select count(text_id) as cnt
      from unnest(tri_id) as required_t_id(r_t_id) 
         left join text_trigram on text_id = required_t_id.r_t_id and trigram_id = rec 
      group by text_id
    ) t;

    The group by looks extremely strange though, I wonder if you actually meant:

    select count(text_id)
      into count_value 
    from unnest(tri_id) as required_t_id(r_t_id) 
      left join text_trigram on text_id = required_t_id.r_t_id and trigram_id = rec;

    You also don't need to unnest the array you want to loop over.

    Your loop should look like this:

    foreach rec IN ARRAY t_id
    end loop;