In my table column are like these
msd_mon, msd_yea, msd_sva ... I want a query
((( SELECT SUM(msd_sva)
FROM msdfc00
WHERE msd_yea IN
FROM msdfc00
)-( SELECT SUM(msd_sva)
FROM msdfc00
WHERE msd_yea = '2016'
)* 100) / ( SELECT SUM(msd_sva)
FROM msdfc00
WHERE msd_yea = '2016'
)) AS thePerc,
FROM msdfc00
WHERE msd_fco = 'KF'
AND msd_mon = '11'
GROUP BY msd_yea
that is I want to substract sum of msd_sva for period of msd_mon for the year 2017 from sum of msd_sva for period of msd_mon for the year 2016 . My Base year is 2016. I got only 4 years that is upto 2018. so calulation will be like these
for year 2016 value will be 0 for year 2017 it will be ((2017 - 2016)* 100 \2016) for year 2017 it will be ((2018 - 2016)* 100 \2016) for year 2017 it will be ((2019 - 2016)* 100 \2016)
any help ?
Use conditional aggregation:
select sum(case when msd_yea = 2016 then msc_sva end) as sva_2016,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2017 then msc_sva end) as sva_2017,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2018 then msc_sva end) as sva_2018,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2019 then msc_sva end) as sva_2019
from msdfc00
where msd_fco = 'KF' and msd_mon = '11';
You can use a subquery to do your final calculations:
select 0 as val_2016,
(sva_2017 - sva_2016) * 100 / sva_2016 as val_2017,
. . .
from (select sum(case when msd_yea = 2016 then msc_sva end) as sva_2016,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2017 then msc_sva end) as sva_2017,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2018 then msc_sva end) as sva_2018,
sum(case when msd_yea = 2019 then msc_sva end) as sva_2019
from msdfc00
where msd_fco = 'KF' and msd_mon = '11'
) m;