how can i reduce message.content to below 1024 char my code is like this in messageDelete event is
module.exports = async (client, channel ) => {
var log = channel.guild.channels.find(ch =>'member-log')) ;
var sEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle(`:warning: A Message Was Deleted!`)
.addField(`**Content**`,` \`\`\`${message.content}\`\`\` `)
.addField(`**Channel**`,`<#${}> (${})`)
.setFooter(`MessageID:${} | AuthorID:${}`);
error RichEmbed() cannot send more than 1024 char
This should do it
var msg;
// if the message length is more than 1023 characters
if (message.content.length >= 1023) {
// split the content into an array
msg = message.content.split(); // ['more than 1023 characters']
} else {
// else just assign the content to the msg variable
msg = message.content;
console.log(msg || msg[0])