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Removing consecutive duplicate rows bigquery

I have some event data that are grouped into sessions. In some cases there are consecutive duplicate events within those sessions which I'd like to remove. Is there a way to do this in bigquery?


Initial table:

session   eventType   eventOrder
1         a           1
1         a           2     
1         b           3
2         b           1
2         a           2
2         b           3     

Desired result:

session   eventType   eventOrder
1         a           1
1         b           3
2         b           1
2         a           2
2         b           3    


  • You could use lag(). The idea is to compare the current event type to the previous value for the same session, and eliminate records where they match:

    select session, eventType, eventOrder
    from (
            lag(eventType) over(partition by session order by eventOrder) lag_eventType
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where lag_eventType is null or eventType != lag_eventType