i have a question about 32-bit addressing size instead of 64-bit addressing size in 64-bit Mode
movzx eax, al ; instead of movzx rax, al
mov eax, DWORD [4 * eax + .data] ; instead of mov rax, QWORD [8 * rax + .data]
DD .DATA1 ; instead of DQ
DD .DATA2 ; instead of DQ
DD .DATA3 ; instead of DQ
DD .DATA4 ; instead of DQ
.DATA1 DB 'HEY1', 0x00
.DATA2 DB 'HEY2', 0x00
.DATA3 DB 'HEY3', 0x00
.DATA4 DB 'HEY4', 0x00
is it a safe way in 64-bit ? because i think in 64-bit and addressing like this, there is no problem ! (i do this because .data)
i think .data and each item address is fit for 32-Bit registers if the program size (executable) be less than about 100 Mb which always is !
This would be unsafe on x86-64 MacOS for example, or in a Linux PIE executable. Program size isn't the only factor because it's not loaded starting at virtual address 0
. The first byte of your program may be at something like 0x555555555000
, so truncating an address to 32 bit would break you code no matter how small your program is.
(You'd get an invalid relocation linker error from using [.data + rax*4]
in that case, though, just from using .data
as an absolute disp32
. 32-bit absolute addresses no longer allowed in x86-64 Linux?). But if you'd used [edi + eax*4]
with a valid pointer in RDI, you could write code that would assemble but crash in a PIE executable or a MacOS executable.)
But yes, the default non-PIE Linux code model places all code and static data in the low 2GiB of virtual address space so 32-bit absolute sign- or zero-extended numbers can represent addresses.
Your data in memory is the same size regardless of how you address it, so your alternatives are
movzx eax, al
mov eax, DWORD [4 * eax + table_of_32bit_pointers] ; pointless
mov eax, DWORD [4 * rax + table_of_32bit_pointers] ; good
; RAX holds a zero-extended pointer.
mov rax, QWORD [8 * rax + .data]
would load 8 bytes from a different location. You're still mixing up address size and operand-size.
Using compact 32-bit pointers in memory doesn't mean you have to use 32-bit address size when you load them.
Like I explained in your previous question there's no reason to use 32-bit address-size after zero-extending an index to 64-bit with movzx eax, al
. (BTW, prefer movzx ecx, al
; mov-elimination only works between different registers.)
BTW, if your strings are all the same length, or you can pad them to fixed length cheaply, you don't need a table of pointers. You can instead just compute the address from the start of the first string + scaled index. e.g. p = .DATA1 + idx*5
in this case, where your strings are 5 bytes long each.
lea eax, [.DATA1 + RAX + RAX*4] ; 4+1 = 5
; eax points at the selected 5-byte string buffer
Also, don't use .data
as a symbol name. It's the name of a section so that's going to get confusing.