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Loop and insert more than one comma separated List in SQL

I wish to loop through two comma-separated values and perform an insert

As an example lets consider two variables

Declare   @Qid= 1,4,6,7,8   @Answers = 4,4,3,2,3

set @pos = 0
set @len = 0

WHILE CHARINDEX(',', @Answers, @pos+1)>0
    set @len = CHARINDEX(',', @Answers, @pos+1) - @pos
    set @value = SUBSTRING(@Answers, @pos, @len)

insert into table values(@fdid,@Qid,@fusid, @value)  -- i need Qid also

set @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @Answers, @pos+@len) +1

Using this loop I am able to extract @Answers and can perform insert. But I wish to extract @Qid and insert inside the loop.

edit for more clarity it is a feedback module. my result table have Qid and Answer field. Answers are ratings (1 to 5). The values we get in variables @Qid and @Answers are sequential. which means 1st answer will be for 1st question and so on.


as per Shnugo's Answer

Declare @Qid varchar(100)= '1,4,6,7,8',   @Answers varchar(100)= '4,4,3,2,3'
INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES(@Qid,@Answers)

 INSERT INTO table(FeedbackId,QuestionId,FeedbackUserId,Answer)
  A.qXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS QuestionNumber,3
      ,A.aXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS AnwerNumber
FROM @tbl t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(@Qid,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
                  ,CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(@Answers,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(qXml,aXml)
CROSS APPLY(SELECT TOP(A.qXml.value('count(/x)','int')) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM master..spt_values) B(QuestionCount)


  • I'd prefer Zhorov's JSON answer (needs v2016+).

    If you use a SQL-Server below 2016 you might use this position-safe XML-based solution:

    A mockup table to simulate your issue with two different rows.

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE(ID INT IDENTITY, Questions VARCHAR(100),Answers VARCHAR(100));
    INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES('1,4,6,7,8','4,4,3,2,3')

    --The query

    SELECT t.*
          ,A.qXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS QuestionNumber
          ,A.aXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS AnwerNumber
    FROM @tbl t
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.Questions,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
                      ,CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.Answers,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(qXml,aXml)
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT TOP(A.qXml.value('count(/x)','int')) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM master..spt_values) B(QuestionCount);

    The idea in short:

    We need a CROSS APPLY and some string methods to transform something like 1,2,3 to an xml like <x>1</x><x>2</x><x>3</x>.
    Now we can use value() with XQuery count() to find the actual count of questions.
    We need one more CROSS APPLY with a computed TOP() clause to get a set of running number from 1 to n with n=countOfQuestions. I do this against master..spt_values. This is just a well-filled standard table... We do not need the values, just any set to create the counter...
    Finally we can use .value() in connection with sql:column() in order to fetch the question and the corresponding answer by their positions.

    UPDATE: Non-tabular data

    If you do not get these CSV parameters as a table you can use this:

    Declare @Qid varchar(100)= '1,4,6,7,8',   @Answers varchar(100)= '4,4,3,2,3'
    --INSERT INTO table(FeedbackId,QuestionId,FeedbackUserId,Answer)
    SELECT  1
           ,A.qXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS QuestionNumber
           ,A.aXml.value('(/x[sql:column("B.QuestionCount")])[1]','int') AS AnwerNumber
    FROM (SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(@Qid,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
                ,CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(@Answers,',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(qXml,aXml)
    CROSS APPLY(SELECT TOP(A.qXml.value('count(/x)','int')) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM master..spt_values) B(QuestionCount);