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Flutter Combine Multiple FireStore Streams With Rxdart

I think I need to merge it together somewhere, but I can't find out how and where. I want to use in StreamBuilder ? I brought you up here waiting for your help..

getCombinedMatches(uid) {
    return Firestore.instance
        .where('match', arrayContains: uid)
        .map((convert) {
      return {
        Observable<Matches> match = f.reference
            .map<Matches>((document) => Matches.fromMap(;
        Observable<User> user = Firestore.instance
            .map<User>((document) => User.fromMap(;

        Observable<Message> message = Firestore.instance
            .orderBy('dater', descending: true)
            .expand((snapShot) => snapShot.documents)
            .map<Message>((document) => Message.fromMap(;

        return Observable.combineLatest3(match, user, message,
            (matches, user, message) => CombinedStream(matches, user, message));


  • Add this code last operation

    getCombinedMatches(uid) {
    return Observable(Firestore.instance
        .where('match', arrayContains: uid)
        .map((convert) {
      return {
        Stream<Matches> match = f.reference
            .map<Matches>((document) => Matches.fromMap(;
        Stream<User> user = Firestore.instance
            .map<User>((document) => User.fromMap(;
        Stream<Message> message = Firestore.instance
            .orderBy('dater', descending: true)
            .expand((snapShot) => snapShot.documents)
            .map<Message>((document) => Message.fromMap(;
        return Observable.combineLatest3(match, user, message,
            (matches, user, message) => CombinedStream(matches, user, message));
    }).switchMap((observables) {
          return observables.length > 0
              ? Observable.combineLatestList(observables)
              : Observable.just([]);
