I'm using nativescript-camera to capture image in my android apps but i always getting TypeError: Cannot set property 'imageSource' of undefined. I'm following the guide here , all my camera code seems correct and i not sure where i did wrong.
export class SocialRegistrationComponent implements OnInit {
imageSource: ImageSource;
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
capturePicture() {
const options = {
saveToGallery: false,
allowsEditing: false,
format: 'png'
function success() {
.then((capturedImageAsset) => {
let imageSource = new imageSourceModule.ImageSource;
.then((capturedImageSource: ImageSource) => {
console.log(capturedImageSource); // Display correctly
this.imageSource = capturedImageSource; // Error here, this.imageSource undefined
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('Error -> ' + err.message);
function failure() {
// failed
The context (this
) will not be pointing to Angular component inside success function. You have to use arrow function or retain context in local variable.
success() => {
// Using arrow function retains the context