I'm parsing some files that contain invisible characters. The files are structured strangely so that I sometimes have to find real information after 9 or 10 invisible characters. Yeah...
Anyway, I have some files that seem to have invisible characters that my regex doesn't yet know about. Is there some way to pass a character through a function to look up it's character code? Since it's invisible, I don't really have much else to go on, ha.
Currently I'm using the following regular expression to find invisible characters. (found from this question)
public $invisibles='\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F';
Yours are control characters. But another real invisible character is \xA0
the non-breaking space.
Anyway to find out which is bugging you, first isolate it (substr
if you can), and then pass it through ord()
to get the ASCII number:
preg_match('/\W/', $str, $match); // find first non-letter
print dechex(ord($match[0]));
(dechex is for printing it out as hex)
Though really, you should just download a hexeditor for such purposes.