I use Laravel Homestead for one year it all was good before I had decided change php version.
Firstly I update vagrant. Secondly I executed all commands from updating guide
vagrant destroy
git fetch
git pull origin release
vagrant box update
vagrant up
After vagrant up I saw that my databases were not created and my folder was not mounted (http://joxi.ru/Vm66DpgF410M5m).
I tried to connet via vagrant ssh, but there is not folder "code"
My Homestead.yaml
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- map: /home/ubuntu/PhpstormProjects/fntr
to: /home/vagrant/code/fntr
schedule: true
- map: fntr.test
to: /home/vagrant/code/fntr/public
php: "7.4"
- homestead
- testing
- imports
- prod_copy
I tried use vagrant destroy && vagrant up
. I also tried vagrant reload --provision
I have found the same issues in google and github, but this advices (http://joxi.ru/52a53oGUEBZMZ2 and other) did not help me.
I have the latest versions of vagrant and homestead.
I have found solution. But I am not sure that it is solution exactly.
I just reinstalled laravel homestead. Yes, I deleted homestead folder and went via instalation tutorial again.
Then I pasted my old Homestead.yaml and init vagrant box again.
Note if you want to try this method do not forget copy all of your after.sh, homestead.yaml and other files which can be lost