I have to hit 3 API's to update the same screen so for this i think RxJava is the fastest way to do that in parallel. While i was searching for the implementation i came across Observable.zip(...) function as it can perform multiple API hits in parallel.
I am using Retrofit for calling API's and have already created Pojo class with gson annotation.
Sample Pojo classes:
data class ResponseGetFCData(
val end: String,
val uni: String,
val y: Double
data class ResponseAK(
val end: String,
val manu: String,
val start: String,
val tY: Double
Sample Api Interface:
interface Api{
fun getFCdata(@Query("pi") pi: String
, @Query("uni") uni: String): Observable<ResponseGetFCData>
Objective : From the response of 2 out of 3 API's I have to compute some mathematical calculation and the third API response will carry data for recycler view. Here i have to compute (y * ty)/100 by taking y from API 1 and ty from API 2 and such similar computations.
MyCode: In activity onCreate(....):
val requests = ArrayList<Observable<*>>()
val backendApi = WinRetrofitHelper.winApiInstance()
.zip(requests) {
Log.e("Exe Summary","******************Success*******************")
}) {
Log.e("Exe Summary",it.stackTrace.toString())
So here i am not getting how to fetch the response from these 3 API's and how and where to compute the maths and how will i update the data in recyclerview adapter from 3rd API response. Please help me to understand this with a better approach.
Try using below:
Function3<ResponseGetFCData, ResponseAK, List<ResponseMarket>, List<ResponseMarket>> {
fcData, akCountry, recyclerData ->
// Your operation here
return recyclerData
.doOnSubscribe { /* Loading Start */ }
.doOnTerminate { /* Loading End */ }
{ /* Successfully Synced */ },
{ /* Having error */ }