I am trying to learn AOP. I have a method returning array.
public class ReturnCollection
public virtual Array ReturnArrayStringData()
string[] IntArray = { "1", "a", "4", "'", "&", "g" };
foreach (var item in IntArray)
return IntArray;
I want to sort this array using Castle.DynamicProxy and ArrayName.sort(). Here is my proxy Method.
public abstract class Interceptor: IInterceptor
protected abstract void ExecuteAfter(IInvocation invocation);
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
public class ExecuteAfterMethod: Interceptor
protected override void ExecuteAfter(Castle.DynamicProxy.IInvocation invocation)
//sort array here.
How can I do it? Thanks.
Assuming you just needed to implement the method, one option would be to reassign invocation.ReturnValue
public class ExecuteAfterMethod : Interceptor
protected override void ExecuteAfter(Castle.DynamicProxy.IInvocation invocation)
var stringArray = (invocation.ReturnValue as string[]).Reverse().ToArray(); // here will have the object typed as String[], so printing it should be no problem.
foreach(var item in stringArray) {
invocation.ReturnValue = stringArray; // and finally we reassign the result