I am aware that since 5.0 tornado's ioloop is handled by asyncio and in fact the loop I get using tornado.ioloop.IOloop.current()
is an asyncio loop by default. My question is how do I access the asyncio loop itself in a proper way. For example I would like to use the loop.create_future()
method on the asyncio loop, but tornado wraps the loop and it doesn't have this method on it.
Currently what I do is when I need asyncio methods I just call asyncio.get_event_loop()
(because the documentation states that the two loops are indeed identical). I am not sure this is the correct way of doing this since now I have different references to the same ioloop with different interfaces and I use the one that is needed. This is kind of messy and confusing.
Is there a better way? Can I tell tornado to give me the asyncio loop without wrapping it? Or can I access these methods somehow using the IOloop
that tornado creates?
https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/ioloop.html#module-tornado.ioloop Here it states the following:
Applications can use either the IOLoop interface or the underlying asyncio event loop directly
I am interested in the latter, yet I can’t find instructions on how to access it directly.
is the recommended method; no need to use the (undocumented) asyncio_loop
attribute. This is how all non-tornado-specific asyncio code gets the event loop.