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How to make this type of data a node in neo4j?

i want to make a node in neo4j from json data, named with the username(unique), and having as proprieties the created_time(int) and info(a list)

"ProfileInfo": {
    "created_time": 1286323200,
    "info": {
        "biography": "",
        "followers_count": 5000,
        "following_count": 1000,
        "full_name": "alpha beta",
        "id": 123456789,
        "is_business_account": true,
        "is_joined_recently": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "posts_count": 1,
    "username": "alphabeta"


i tried to run this command in cypher:

Call apoc.load.json("file:/Neo4j/data/alpha_sample.json") YIELD value AS user
MERGE (u:USER {username:user.ProfileInfo.username})
SET u.created_time = user.ProfileInfo.created_time, =

but i get this error,

Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof

Does anyone have any idea of how i can do this ? any help is welcome


  • You will need to extract out each element in ProfileInfo.username. Does something like this help?

    CALL apoc.load.json("file:/Neo4j/data/alpha_sample.json") YIELD value AS user
    MERGE (u:USER {username:user.ProfileInfo.username})
    SET u.created_time = user.ProfileInfo.created_time,
        u +=