I have the following code for a userform called SlideSorterStart:
Private Sub Okay1_Click()
Dim startOn As Integer
startOn = SlideSorterStart.Input1
Unload SlideSorterStart
End Sub
Okay1 is the OK button here below, while Input1 is the name of the text box.
I use the variable startOn
in a module as follows:
Sub SlideSorter(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
Dim first As Long: first = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
Dim last As Long: last = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
For i = first To last
With ActivePresentation.Slides(i)
On Error Resume Next
Dim square As Shape
Set square = .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 400, 360, 150, 150)
With square
.Name = "Squort"
With .TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = startOn
End With ' TextFrame
End With ' Square itself
End With
startOn = startOn + 1
Next i
End Sub
For some reason, instead of giving an output equal to the number filled into the UserForm, it always starts the first one at 0, and then the next time the function is run, increments by the number of slides.
For instance, if there are 5 slides to put this box on, then the first time, Slide 1 will have a 0. The next time at 5. Then a 10, and so on.
What is causing this?
UserForm1.Show strikes again!
You're showing the form's default instance, and inside that form's code, you're referring to the default instance of that form:
Dim startOn As Integer
startOn = SlideSorterStart.Input1
Unload SlideSorterStart
The SlideSorterStart
identifier is dual-purposed here: it's the data type name of a UserForm
class, and it's a project-scoped global object variable named after that form class.
You should NEVER refer to a form's default instance within that form's code-behind. Use the Me
reserved identifier to refer to the current instance (could be the default one, but could be any other too).
startOn = Me.Input1
And whatever you do, NEVER Unload
a form while that form is being shown and you need to later access its instance state (for example, the user-provided contents of a control).
Change your form's code behind as follows:
Option Explicit
Private StartAtSlideIndex As Long
Private HasCancelled As Boolean
Public Property Get StartSlideIndex() As Long
StartSlideIndex = StartAtSlideIndex
End Property
Public Property Get IsCancelled() As Boolean
IsCancelled = HasCancelled
End Property
Private Sub Input1_Change()
On Error Resume Next 'index will be 0 if can't convert text value
StartAtSlideIndex = CLng(Input1.Text)
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Okay1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OnCancel()
HasCancelled = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = VbQueryClose.vbFormControlMenu Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Note that nowhere in the form's code-behind does the form get destroyed, or gets any opportunity to be destroyed: that's why we need to handle QueryClose
, to prevent the form instance from being destroyed if the user cancels the dialog by clicking the red "X" button - and since the user is always free to cancel any dialog by doing that, the code that's showing the form needs to know whether the dialog was cancelled. If you decide to add a Cancel button, you only need to make its Click
handle invoke the OnCancel
So, regardless of how the form gets closed, we only ever Hide
it, and let the calling code destroy it.
That's showing the form's default instance. Avoid doing that.
With New SlideSorterStart '<~ form instance gets created here
If .IsCancelled Then Exit Sub
Dim startOn As Long
startOn = .StartSlideIndex
End With '<~ form instance gets destroyed here
The Initialize
handler of the form, if present will be invoked at New SlideSorterStart
(before the object reference is yielded to the With
block); if present, the Terminate
handler of the form will be invoked at End With
Exactly when these two critical object lifecycle events are fired when you use the form's default instance, is non-deterministic: that's why you need to avoid it at all costs, and take full control of what objects you're using, and when and how you're destroying them.
The reason why you're getting 0
is because the form is systematically unloading itself; the default instance gets destroyed along with its state, and then it gets re-created again next time it's referenced, but then it's re-created with the default initial state, ...which means you effectively lose the user's input.