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How do you allow not foreseen properties in RDF when performing Shex validation?

We are creating our Shex definition files checking that some IRIs are of a given type. There is no problem with our generated code but sometimes we get files generated using Protege and most of the individuals are of type X plus owl:NamedIndividual, making our validation fail because now a given resource has 2 assertions of type rdf:type.

Adding owl:NamedIndividual to all shape checks seems like polluting the Shape definition, so how would you allow extra properties that do not conflict with your shape definition?


  • In Shex, by default the triple constraints are closed which means that a shape like:

    :Shape {
      rdf:type [ :X ]

    means that a node that conforms to :Shape must have exactly one rdf:type declaration whose value is :X.

    If you want to allow extra values for the rdf:type declaration, you can express it with the keyword EXTRA as:

    :Shape EXTRA rdf:type {
     rdf:type [ :X ]

    The meaning now is that a conforming node must have rdf:type :X and can have zero or mode values for rdf:type.

    Notice that the previous example could be defined as:

    :Shape EXTRA a {
     a [ :X ]

    In the particular case that you only want to allow an extra rdf:type with value owl:NamedIndividual you could also define it as:

    :Shape {
     a [:X ] ;
     a [ owl:NamedIndividual] ;

    or as:

    :Shape {
     a [:X owl:NamedIndividual]{2} ;