I have a txt
file called inFile
. With VBA, I copy it line by line to a new tx
t file called outFile
I have an Excel worksheet. In this sheet, I have a string and a number. The number is the line where the new string needs to go in the txt
called outFile
95% of my code works.
My problem: After the code copy the lines from the txt
called inFile
to outFile
, and after I copy the new string from the Excel sheet to the right line.
When I go back to copy the other line from the txt
called inFile
to the txt
called outFile
The code copied the line that I just replaced with the new string.
I'm looking for a way to skip one line while copying the line from inFile
to outFile
is where the line number for the new string is placed.
is where the new string should be placed.
Sub Update_file()
Dim FolderName As Double
Dim data1, data2, IfExist, inFile, outFile As String
Dim f As Integer
Dim LineNumber As Long
f = 2
LineNumber = 0
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(f, 2))
IfExist = "L:\" & Cells(f, 2) & "\COMPANY.bat"
If Not Dir(IfExist) = "" Then
inFile = "L:\" & Cells(f, 2) & "\COMPANY.bat"
Open inFile For Input As #1
outFile = "L:\" & Cells(f, 2) & "\COMPANY_NEW.bat"
Open outFile For Output As #2
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(f, 11)) Then
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
If LineNumber = Cells(f, 13) Then
data2 = Cells(f, 17)
Print #2, data2
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
GoTo bbb
Do Until EOF(1) Or Cells(f, 13) = LineNumber
Debug.Print LineNumber
Line Input #1, data1
data2 = Trim(data1)
Print #2, data2
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
If LineNumber = Cells(f, 13) Then
GoTo aaa
End If
End If
End If
LineNumber = 0
Close #1
Close #2
Else: MsgBox "äçáøä " & Mid(inFile, 4, 5) & " ìà ÷ééîú"
End If
f = f + 1
End Sub
If I understand correctly, you always want to write to file #2; either the line from file #1, or the line from Cells(f, 17) if we are at the target line number.
Why not just this then?
inFile = "L:\" & Cells(f, 2) & "\COMPANY.bat"
Open inFile For Input As #1
outFile = "L:\" & Cells(f, 2) & "\COMPANY_NEW.bat"
Open outFile For Output As #2
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(f, 11)) Then
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
Do Until EOF(1)
Debug.Print LineNumber
Line Input #1, data1
data2 = Trim(data1)
If LineNumber = Cells(f, 13) Then
data2 = Cells(f, 17)
End If
Print #2, data2
LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
End If
LineNumber = 0
Close #1
Close #2