with semi-structure data like below, need to convert specific portions in to structured data for further use
%PARX VERSION : PARX 06.30.80 patch 69
%LOG FILE NAME : C:\Final\Bbi_10-31.11-36.dng
%Somethin Proprietary and Confidential.
2019 Oct 31 04:32:55.139 [02] 0xB0B3 LTE PDCP UL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Num Subpackets = 1
Subpacket ID = PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)
Subpacket Version = 26
Subpacket Size = 60 bytes
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 6B 6E 77 04 68 A5 30 D2 E3 68 86 0E 1D 35 8C D1
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 98 1A 2E 33 E6 9A 85 2B C1 1F A2 CC 3D 31 45 8F
SRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
DRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
Num PDUs = 1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |els | | | | | |
| |cfg| |sn |bearer|valid|pdu |logged| | |count | |compressed| |mini|packet | | | | |
|PDCPUL CIPH DATA |idx|mode|length|id |pdu |size |bytes |sys_fn|sub_fn|(hex) |sn |pdu |pdu type|sign|action |checksum|e |option|log_buffer (hex) |
|PDCPUL CIPH DATA | 4 | AM |12 bit| 3 | Yes | 62 | 4 | 245 | 1 | 0x3A | 58 | No | DEFAULT|n/a | n/a | n/a |n/a| n/a | 80 3A 45 00 |
Cipher Subpacket[0]
PDU[0] Encrypted Data:
Unable to encrypt
2019 Oct 31 04:32:55.169 [B0] 0xB0A3 LTE PDCP DL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Num Subpackets = 1
Subpacket ID = PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)
Subpacket Version = 24
Subpacket Size = 60 bytes
PDCP DL Data PDU with Ciphering {
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 6B 6E 77 04 68 A5 30 D2 E3 68 86 0E 1D 35 8C D1
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 98 1A 2E 33 E6 9A 85 2B C1 1F A2 CC 3D 31 45 8F
SRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
DRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
Num PDUs = 1
| | | | | | | | | | | | |els | |
| |cfg| |sn |bearer|valid|pdu |logged| | |count | |mini| |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA|idx|mode|length|id |pdu |size |bytes |sys_fn|sub_fn|(hex) |sn |sign|log_buffer (hex) |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA| 4 | AM |12 bit| 3 | Yes | 62 | 4 | 248 | 0 | 0x3A | 58 |n/a | 80 3A 2F BC |
Cipher Subpacket[0]
PDU[0] Decrypted Data:
Unable to decrypt
2019 Oct 31 04:32:56.168 [4F] 0xB0A3 LTE PDCP DL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Num Subpackets = 1
Subpacket ID = PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)
Subpacket Version = 24
Subpacket Size = 60 bytes
PDCP DL Data PDU with Ciphering {
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 6B 6E 77 04 68 A5 30 D2 E3 68 86 0E 1D 35 8C D1
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 98 1A 2E 33 E6 9A 85 2B C1 1F A2 CC 3D 31 45 8F
SRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
DRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
Num PDUs = 1
| | | | | | | | | | | | |els | |
| |cfg| |sn |bearer|valid|pdu |logged| | |count | |mini| |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA|idx|mode|length|id |pdu |size |bytes |sys_fn|sub_fn|(hex) |sn |sign|log_buffer (hex) |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA| 4 | AM |12 bit| 3 | Yes | 62 | 4 | 348 | 0 | 0x3B | 59 |n/a | 80 3B 86 3B |
Cipher Subpacket[0]
PDU[0] Decrypted Data:
Unable to decrypt
%PARX VERSION : PARX 06.30.80 patch 69
%LOG FILE NAME : C:\Final\Abi_10-31.11-39.dng
%Somethin Proprietary and Confidential.
2019 Oct 31 04:36:04.543 [85] 0xB0B3 LTE PDCP UL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Num Subpackets = 1
Subpacket ID = PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)
Subpacket Version = 26
Subpacket Size = 60 bytes
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = BC 61 5B 1C 05 1F 92 C6 83 F2 68 E6 00 A3 D7 DC
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 6B 25 EE 8D 1C 48 B2 3A 07 9A 9D 22 AA 77 33 76
SRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
DRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
Num PDUs = 1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |els | | | | | |
| |cfg| |sn |bearer|valid|pdu |logged| | |count | |compressed| |mini|packet | | | | |
|PDCPUL CIPH DATA |idx|mode|length|id |pdu |size |bytes |sys_fn|sub_fn|(hex) |sn |pdu |pdu type|sign|action |checksum|e |option|log_buffer (hex) |
|PDCPUL CIPH DATA | 4 | AM |12 bit| 3 | Yes | 62 | 4 | 135 | 8 | 0xF9 | 249 | No | DEFAULT|n/a | n/a | n/a |n/a| n/a | 80 F9 45 00 |
Cipher Subpacket[0]
PDU[0] Encrypted Data:
Unable to encrypt
2019 Oct 31 04:36:04.568 [58] 0xB0A3 LTE PDCP DL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Num Subpackets = 1
Subpacket ID = PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)
Subpacket Version = 24
Subpacket Size = 60 bytes
PDCP DL Data PDU with Ciphering {
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = BC 61 5B 1C 05 1F 92 C6 83 F2 68 E6 00 A3 D7 DC
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = 6B 25 EE 8D 1C 48 B2 3A 07 9A 9D 22 AA 77 33 76
SRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
DRB Cipher Algo = LTE AES
Num PDUs = 1
| | | | | | | | | | | | |els | |
| |cfg| |sn |bearer|valid|pdu |logged| | |count | |mini| |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA|idx|mode|length|id |pdu |size |bytes |sys_fn|sub_fn|(hex) |sn |sign|log_buffer (hex) |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA| 4 | AM |12 bit| 3 | Yes | 62 | 4 | 138 | 7 | 0xF8 |248 |n/a | 80 F8 23 41 |
Cipher Subpacket[0]
PDU[0] Decrypted Data:
Unable to decrypt
I have the pseudo code to extract the data as follows. What I'm looking for is help with specific steps of the pseduo code marked as #need_help
- these are primarily around identifying specific part of the text and capturing them into variables.
intialize a list, data = []
for each text block ( text block starts with time format `yyyy MMM dd hh:mm:ss.mil`) #need_help
if ending with `0xB0B3 LTE PDCP UL Cipher Data PDU` #need_help
if `size pdu` field value `== 62` #need_help
store 62 to variable pdu_size
store 'ulPdu' to variable type
Extract the `yyyy MMM dd hh:mm:ss.mil` and store the value as `datetime` type in a variable `datetime` #need_help
Extract the field `seq` and store as variable `seq` #need_help
store ulPdu = {"datetime": datetime, "pDuType": type, "pDuSize": pdu_size", "seq": seq}
add ulPdu to data
pass # try next text block
else if ending with `0xB0A3 LTE PDCP DL Cipher Data PDU`
if `size pdu` field value `== 62`
store 62 to variable pdu_size
store 'dlPdu' to variable type
Extract the `yyyy MMM dd hh:mm:ss.mil` and store the value as `datetime` type in a variable `datetime`
Extract the field `seq` and store as variable `seq`
store dlPdu = {"datetime": datetime, "pDuType": type, "pDuSize": pdu_size", "seq": seq}
add dlPdu to data
pass # try next text block
pass # try next text block
You can use TTP to parse above text, here is the code:
from ttp import ttp
<group name="results">
<group name="Something Proprietary and Confidential">
%Somethin Proprietary and Confidential. {{ _start_ }}
<group name="{{ date }} {{ time }}">
{{ date | PHRASE | _start_ }} {{ time }} [{{ ignore }}] {{ ignore }} LTE PDCP UL Cipher Data PDU
{{ date | PHRASE | _start_ }} {{ time }} [{{ ignore }}] {{ ignore }} LTE PDCP DL Cipher Data PDU
Subscription ID = {{ Subscription_ID }}
Version = {{ version }}
Num Subpackets = {{ Num_Subpackets }}
Subpacket ID = {{ Subpacket_ID | PHRASE }}
Subpacket Version = {{ Subpacket_Version }}
Subpacket Size = {{ Subpacket_Size | PHRASE }}
SRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = {{ SRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex | PHRASE }}
DRB Ciphering Keys (hex) = {{ DRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex | PHRASE }}
SRB Cipher Algo = {{ SRB_Cipher_Algo | PHRASE }}
DRB Cipher Algo = {{ DRB_Cipher_Algo | PHRASE }}
Num PDUs = {{ Num_PDUs }}
<group name="PDCPUL_CIPH_DATA" method="table">
|PDCPUL CIPH DATA | {{ cfg_idx | DIGIT }} | {{ mode }} |{{ sn_length }} bit| {{ bearer_id }} | {{ valid_pdu }} | {{ pdu_size | DIGIT }} | {{ logged_bytes }} | {{ sys_fn }} | {{ sub_fn }} | {{ count }} | {{ sn }} | {{ compressed_pdu }} | {{pdu_type}}|{{ els }} | {{ packet_act }} | {{ checksum }} |{{ e }}| {{ option }} | {{ log_buffer | PHRASE }} |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA| {{ cfg_idx | DIGIT }} | {{ mode }} |{{ sn_length }} bit| {{ bearer_id }} | {{ valid_pdu }} | {{ pdu_size | DIGIT }} | {{ logged_bytes }} | {{ sys_fn }} | {{ sub_fn }} | {{ count }} |{{ sn }} |{{ els }} | {{ log_buffer | PHRASE }} |
|PDCPDL CIPH DATA| {{ cfg_idx | DIGIT }} | {{ mode }} |{{ sn_length }} bit| {{ bearer_id }} | {{ valid_pdu }} | {{ pdu_size | DIGIT }} | {{ logged_bytes }} | {{ sys_fn }} | {{ sub_fn }} | {{ count }} | {{ sn }} |{{ els }} | {{ log_buffer | PHRASE }} |
parser = ttp(data="/absolute/os/path/to/data.txt", template=ttp_template)
that code would produce:
"results": [
"LOG_FILE_NAME": "C:\\Final\\Bbi_10-31.11-36.dng",
"PARX_VERSION": "PARX 06.30.80 patch 69",
"Something Proprietary and Confidential": {
"2019 Oct 31 04:32:55.139": {
"DRB_Cipher_Algo": "LTE AES",
"DRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex": "98 1A 2E 33 E6 9A 85 2B C1 1F A2 CC 3D 31 45 8F",
"Num_PDUs": "1",
"Num_Subpackets": "1",
"bearer_id": "3",
"cfg_idx": "4",
"checksum": "n/a",
"compressed_pdu": "No",
"count": "0x3A",
"e": "n/a",
"els": "n/a",
"log_buffer": "80 3A 45 00",
"logged_bytes": "4",
"mode": "AM",
"option": "n/a",
"packet_act": "n/a",
"pdu_size": "62",
"pdu_type": "DEFAULT",
"sn": "58",
"sn_length": "12",
"sub_fn": "1",
"sys_fn": "245",
"valid_pdu": "Yes"
"SRB_Cipher_Algo": "LTE AES",
"SRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex": "6B 6E 77 04 68 A5 30 D2 E3 68 86 0E 1D 35 8C D1",
"Subpacket_ID": "PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)",
"Subpacket_Size": "60 bytes",
"Subpacket_Version": "26",
"Subscription_ID": "1",
"version": "1"
"2019 Oct 31 04:32:55.169": {
"Num_Subpackets": "1",
"bearer_id": "3",
"cfg_idx": "4",
"count": "0x3A",
"els": "n/a",
"log_buffer": "80 3A 2F BC",
"logged_bytes": "4",
"mode": "AM",
"pdu_size": "62",
"sn": "58",
"sn_length": "12",
"sub_fn": "0",
"sys_fn": "248",
"valid_pdu": "Yes"
"Subpacket_ID": "PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)",
"Subpacket_Size": "60 bytes",
"Subpacket_Version": "24",
"Subscription_ID": "1",
"version": "1"
"2019 Oct 31 04:32:56.168": {
"Num_Subpackets": "1",
"bearer_id": "3",
"cfg_idx": "4",
"count": "0x3B",
"els": "n/a",
"log_buffer": "80 3B 86 3B",
"logged_bytes": "4",
"mode": "AM",
"pdu_size": "62",
"sn": "59",
"sn_length": "12",
"sub_fn": "0",
"sys_fn": "348",
"valid_pdu": "Yes"
"Subpacket_ID": "PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)",
"Subpacket_Size": "60 bytes",
"Subpacket_Version": "24",
"Subscription_ID": "1",
"version": "1"
"LOG_FILE_NAME": "C:\\Final\\Abi_10-31.11-39.dng",
"PARX_VERSION": "PARX 06.30.80 patch 69",
"Something Proprietary and Confidential": {
"2019 Oct 31 04:32:55.169": {
"DRB_Cipher_Algo": "LTE AES",
"DRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex": "6B 25 EE 8D 1C 48 B2 3A 07 9A 9D 22 AA 77 33 76",
"Num_PDUs": "1",
"Num_Subpackets": "1",
"bearer_id": "3",
"cfg_idx": "4",
"checksum": "n/a",
"compressed_pdu": "No",
"count": "0xF9",
"e": "n/a",
"els": "n/a",
"log_buffer": "80 F9 45 00",
"logged_bytes": "4",
"mode": "AM",
"option": "n/a",
"packet_act": "n/a",
"pdu_size": "62",
"pdu_type": "DEFAULT",
"sn": "249",
"sn_length": "12",
"sub_fn": "8",
"sys_fn": "135",
"valid_pdu": "Yes"
"SRB_Cipher_Algo": "LTE AES",
"SRB_Ciphering_Keys_hex": "BC 61 5B 1C 05 1F 92 C6 83 F2 68 E6 00 A3 D7 DC",
"Subpacket_ID": "PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)",
"Subpacket_Size": "60 bytes",
"Subpacket_Version": "26",
"Subscription_ID": "1",
"version": "1"
"2019 Oct 31 04:36:04.543": {},
"2019 Oct 31 04:36:04.568": {
"Num_Subpackets": "1",
"bearer_id": "3",
"cfg_idx": "4",
"count": "0xF8",
"els": "n/a",
"log_buffer": "80 F8 23 41",
"logged_bytes": "4",
"mode": "AM",
"pdu_size": "62",
"sn": "248",
"sn_length": "12",
"sub_fn": "7",
"sys_fn": "138",
"valid_pdu": "Yes"
"Subpacket_ID": "PDCP PDU with Ciphering (0xC3)",
"Subpacket_Size": "60 bytes",
"Subpacket_Version": "24",
"Subscription_ID": "1",
"version": "1"