I try to create my own library, with it's own namespace so it can be included in other projects.
I have done that and composer install runs without errors, but when I try to run my unit tests in my library it doesn't find any classes neither for mocking or for direct initialisation.
My folder structure is like this:
| \_Sap
| \_Classes
| \_Sap
| \_TestClasses
| bootstrap.php
The namespace used in classes follows this pattern:
namespace PuC\Sap;
The one used in the tests has this pattern:
namespace PuC\Sap\Tests\Sap;
My composer.json looks like this:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"PuC\\Sap\\": "src/"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"PuC\\Sap\\Tests\\": "tests/"
In my tests folder I have added a bootstrap.php and refer to it in my phpunit.xml file:
$loader = @include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')
$loader->add('Sap', __DIR__);
No when I run this in the bash I get:
$ bin/phpunit tests/
PHPUnit 8.4.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
7) PuC\Sap\Tests\Sap\HouseSoapServiceTest::testGetHouseData
Cannot stub or mock class or interface "PuC\Sap\Client\SapSoapClient" which does not exist
Same problem when I try to initialise the class directly.
Are my paths wrong? My namespaces?
The problem was the additional folder in my src folder. With this modified structure the tests are passing and the classes are found:
| \_Classes
| \_Sap
| \_TestClasses
| bootstrap.php
Thanks to Robbie Averill for pointing me in the right direction.