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How to verify case-insensitive filepath in Ansible

My server has the below path where the hostname i.e "myhost1" folder can either be in upper case or lower case as shown in example below.


or the path could be in upper case hostname like below


Below is my playbook which checks if the path exists else it will fail.

Note: ansible_hostname may either return myhost1 (lowercase) or MYHOST1 (uppercase)

- name: check if Path is valid
  shell: "ls -l /app/cell/{{ ansible_hostname }}*/nodes/*Node*/servers/server.xml"
  ignore_errors: yes
  register: shorewall

- fail:
    msg: Path or server name is invalid. Kindly enter correct PATH. Exiting Now...
  when: shorewall.rc != 0

The problem I face is that my check is case sensitive when I want it to be case-insensitive. Thus my playbook should not fail if hostname is either upper or lowercase along with the wildcard "*"

Can you please let me know what changes I need to do in my playbook for the Path check to be case-insensitive ?


  • Note: this is only answering your direct question. Meanwhile you should consider reviewing your current script and use the stat module to check for file presence instead of ignoring errors on ls launched in a shell

    The solution below will check both path, then extract all the rc fields in your results registered var with json_query and check if at least one of them returned 0

    Prereq: pip install jmespath on the controller machine (required by json_query filter).

    - name: Verify upper/lower path with ls in shell (bad)
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        - name: Check my path
          shell: "ls -l /tmp/{{ item }}"
          register: my_path
          ignore_errors: yes
            - "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
            - "{{ inventory_hostname | upper }}"
        - name: Fail if path does not exists
            msg: path does not exists
          when: 0 not in (my_path | json_query('results[].rc[]'))


    Using json_query might have been an overkill here. You can get the same result with core filters:

          when: 0 not in (my_path.results | map(attribute="rc'))