I want to delete faces selected with the filter conditional face selection. (e.g. y0 > 1.0)
It is easy do that on MeshLab GUI. ([Filters]-[Selection]-[Conditional Face Selection], and [Filters]-[Selection]-[Delete Selected Faces])
But, conditional face selection is not displayed on current filter script.
How to use conditional select faces in MeshLab filter script?
Or, Can I specify parameters for Delete Selected Faces?
I have tried on my machine to create that script and apparently it is working...
Yeah, it was working and I even could save the script as delete_y0_1.mlx
<!DOCTYPE FilterScript>
<filter name="Conditional Face Selection">
<Param name="condSelect" value="(y0 > 1)" description="boolean function" type="RichString"/>
<filter name="Delete Selected Faces"/>
And I could re-apply the filter using a command like this:
meshlabserver -i gargoyle.ply -o output.ply -s delete_y0_1.mlx
But then.... I tried again and got the same unexpected behavior that you... one filter is lost.
So... congratulations you have found a bug in meshlab and should report it in meshlab bugtracker.
Meanwhile... you can save the delete_y0_1.mlx
script in this page and edit it to change the condition to apply.
Edit: This bug has been solved on current version of meshlab (dec 13th, 2019)