There is a multidomain setup (domains next to each other on the same level), each domain has their own search page and configuration. I've tried...
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.rootPidList = 3 get the search results limited to the domains pagetree only. But as soon as using rootPidList, there are no results at all any more. Then i've tried...
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.sections = rl1_3
...and this seems to work correctly to limit the results to the pagetree (below page id 3).
So what is "rootPidList" ment to be used for?
According to the comment in the code (typo3/sysext/indexed_search/Classes/Controller/SearchController.php, Line 232):
Setting the list of root PIDs for the search. Notice, these page IDs MUST have a TypoScript template with root flag on them!
Basically this list is used to select on the "rl0" field and page ids are registered as "rl0" only if a TypoScript template record with root flag is there.
This happens AFTER the use of $this->searchRootPageIdList above because the above will then fetch the menu for the CURRENT site - regardless of this kind of searching here. Thus a general search will lookup in the WHOLE database while a specific section search will take the current sections.
In a multi domain setup we have set rootPidList
to the overall root page (in this case id=457).
is set like this:
is set to 1 or 2 depending on the availability of more than one language per country.
is the root page (marked by the root page flag).
e.g. for Indonesia (english) we use level = 2 and root = 12947.