This is a shopping cart program where the user can specify which items to put in the cart and how many, they select items from a list. For example, they can add the movie Frozen to the cart for 3 units. Each item has a price associated with it which is specified in a dictionary called ItemPriceInv. I have to put all of these item prices in a list for the number of times the item appears in cart in order to calculate the sum. This is what i have so far, it will only add one occurence of price for each unique item in cart while i need it to list the prices of items for as many times as they appear in the cart:
class Cart():
#prints options to screen
1: Add an Item
2: Remove an Item
3: View Cart
4: View List
5: Checkout
6: Exit
#dictionary of item prices and inventory
ItemPriceInv = {'The Bourne Identity': [9.99, 200], 'Harry Potter': [15.99,1000], 'The Holy Grail': [4.75, 800],
'Arrival': [24.99, 900], 'Hidden Figures': [29.98, 3], 'Fantastic Beastes': [11.99, 2000],
'Frozen': [19.99, 77], 'The Godfather':[10.99 ,55], 'Analyze This': [8.99 ,20],
'American Splendor':[3.99, 50], 'Lego Movie': [19.99, 233], 'Transformers': [24.99, 500],
'Limitless': [29.99, 2], 'The Matrix': [10.99, 278]}
cart= {}
cost = []
command = int(input("Enter the option you would like to execute: "))
while command != 6:
if command == 1: #code for 'add item' option
product = input("Enter the product you would like to add: ")
if product == 'cart':
if product in ItemPriceInv:
NumofProducts = int(input('Enter the number of this product you would like to add to cart: '))
if NumofProducts > ItemPriceInv[product][1]:
print("We do not carry that quantity of", product)
cart[product] = NumofProducts
ItemPriceInv[product][1]= ItemPriceInv[product][1]- NumofProducts
if product not in ItemPriceInv:
print('We do not carry this product :( ')
elif command == 2: #code for option 2
product = input('Enter an item to remove: ')
NumofProducts = int(input('How many of this item do you want to remove? '))
cart[product]-= NumofProducts
elif command == 3:
elif command == 4:
elif command == 5:
ItemPriceList = []
for item in cart:
ItemPrice = ItemPriceInv[item][0]
#ItemPriceList.append(ItemPrice) #prices of
#L = list(itertools.repeat([ItemPrice, NumofProducts]))
#for ItemPrice in ItemPriceList:
#ItemPriceList = [ItemPrice] * NumofProducts
elif command != 6:
print('please enter a valid option')
command = int(input('Enter the option you would like to execute: '))
print('Cart closed')
elif command == 5:
ItemPriceList = []
for item in cart:
ItemPrice = ItemPriceInv[item][0]
ItemNum = cart[item]
what I have to say is that follow a good code style please.
And the unused code that with #
just do what you want.