So, I think in Redmine/Git it is possible to fix an issue using the commit comment:
git commit -m "Fixes #123"
Is something like this possible in Fossil? How?
To associate a commit and a ticket you can simply put the ID of the ticket in the commit message.
You can associate the check-in with the ticket in the same way.
In the UI they will appear as clickable links, and will have a strike through them when the status is Closed
I don't know of a way to do change the status of a ticket just by entering a specific message, but you could say:
$fossil commit -m "Fixed [d4fdff0914]"
New_Version: 05cb7c01d1e9a0129fda0464bee0a7ada5244a6a
$fossil ticket set d4fdff0914 status Fixed
ticket set succeeded for UID d4fdff09148c5e5c4918a64a699d91103eeaaeef
and it would have the same effect.
If you're creative, it might not be too much trouble to set something up to do this automatically.