I've been working for simple authentication (function-based) to my mobile application. I've been wondering because the application is working when running on web ( I'm using ionic4 ), but when I try to run the application to the real device, it's not working. However, the post request for registration view is working ( both in web and real device ) and it is structured by class-based views. In my perspective, the only problem here is the cors-origin since the other views ( class-based views ) are working. Anyone know how I can setup the cors-origin of the function-based views to allow all the incoming response? Thanks!
# For clinicians
def login_as_clinician(request):
student_number = request.data.get('student_number')
password = request.data.get('password')
isExist = Clinician.objects.filter(student_number=student_number, password=password).exists()
if isExist:
user = Clinician.objects.get(student_number=student_number, password=password)
data = { 'message' : 'successful', 'id' : user.id, 'student_number' : user.student_number, 'first_name' : user.first_name,
'last_name' : user.last_name, 'middle_name' : user.middle_name, 'token' : secrets.token_hex(), 'clinic_level' : user.clinic_level }
status = HTTP_200_OK
data = { 'message' : 'error' }
status = HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
return Response(data, status=status)
Here is the settings.py configuration
# CORS Headers
When you do the POST
request, it will go with HEADERS
like content-type. So you need to allow that.
So add this after CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL
CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = ('Content-Type')
Whenever you're sending something in the headers, you need to add it here. Otherwise you'll get cors errors.