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Share same private Azure DevOps repo with Azure boards on multiple projects

We have the same enterprise app that we sell to multiple customers. The source for the app is hosted in a private Azure DevOps Repo. But we manage each customer's implementation using a separate project for each customer with it's own work items.

Currently we have no way of linking commits to the Source in the Repo project to work items in the implementation project.

We don't want to have the repo in each implementation since that would be redundant and challenging to keep in sync.

Is there a way to handle this inside DevOps?


  • Currently we have no way of linking commits to the Source in the Repo project to work items in the implementation project.

    For this issue, when you commit to the source in the Repo project, on the Commit page, you can choose to link to work items in other projects.

    enter image description here

    Or you can click Add link in the Development field of the work items in other projects.

    enter image description here

    Then on the Add link page, select the Commit link type, select your source repo, and select the commit you want to link.

    enter image description here