Attempting to limit responses when certain characters appear in the string- i.e. I want 'The cow went for a walk' However
1 if within 20 characters the word 'BAD' appears such as the "The BAD mean cow went for a walk" it would return a null value
2. The same if there was punctuation in the middle of the sentence, so that
"The cow came back. But the dog went for a walk" would not return a value-
Code below.
with test (id, col) as (
select 1, 'The cow went for a walk' from dual union all --want this
select 2, 'The BAD mean cow went for a walk' from dual union all --do not want this
select 3, 'The cow came back. But the dog went for a walk' from dual) --do not want this
select id, col,
regexp_substr(col,'(cow).{1,40}(walk)',1,1,'i') rs
regexp_substr(col,'(cow).{1,40}(([^.])(walk))',1,1,'i') rs2
from test
RS2 is my first attempt w/o success to limit the response.
Here is a solution that uses two calls to regexp_like()
to ensure that the value matches the criteria:
regexp_like(col, 'cow[^.]{1,40}walk', 'i')
and not regexp_like(col, '^.{1,20}bad', 'i')
then col
end new_col
from test
The first function call ensures that the string contains the work 'cow
' followed by 'walk'
within 40 characters maximum and with no dot in between. The second call eliminates strings that contain the word 'bad'
within the first 20 characters.
with test (id, col) as (
select 1, 'The cow went for a walk' from dual
union all
select 2, 'The BAD mean cow went for a walk' from dual
union all
select 3, 'The cow came back. But the dog went for a walk' from dual
regexp_like(col, 'cow[^.]{1,40}walk', 'i')
and not regexp_like(col, '^.{1,20}bad', 'i')
then col
end new_col
from test
COL | NEW_COL :--------------------------------------------- | :---------------------- The cow went for a walk | The cow went for a walk The BAD mean cow went for a walk | null The cow came back. But the dog went for a walk | null