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Very small populations/state variables to zero in differential equation solutions

I'm posting because I am numerically solving ordinary differential equations and would like to constrain the state variables. In sum, I'm a biologist modeling populations and would like for the populations to go extinct when they become really small.

When I run my models populations can become very, very small (e.g., 10^{-166}), but never go to 0. It's important for me that they do so, so I can calculate extinction. But more realistically, when a population is at a density that is considerably smaller than there are at atoms on Earth, that's not too realistic ;)

Even in the simple 2-species enemy-victim model like the following reaches densities of 10^{-9} that I would like to be interpreted as 0.

library(package = "deSolve")

lv <- function(times, state, parms) {
    with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {
    dR <- 2*R - 0.5*R*C
    dC <- 0.2*R*C - 0.6*C
    return(list(c(dR, dC)))

time_vec <- seq(from = 0, to = 100, length.out = 1e4)
y_0 <- c(R = 50, C = 20)

out <- ode(y = y_0, times = time_vec, func = lv, parms = NULL, method = "lsoda")
plot(x = out[,2], y = out[,3], type = "l")

I'd ideally like to see how extinction can be modeled using the solver `deSolve' in R, but any help directing me towards general answers/names for this type of problem would also be very appreciated.

P.S. This is similar to a post on wanting to replace negative values with 0 (link), but different because I want the populations not to just be non-negative, but stay at 0 infinitely. But also, there wasn't a good answer on how to do that in this post.


  • Here an example. As said, very pragmatic.

    library(package = "deSolve")
    lv <- function(times, state, parms) {
      with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {
        dR <- 2*R - 0.5*R*C
        dC <- 0.2*R*C - 0.6*C
        return(list(c(dR, dC)))
    time_vec <- seq(from = 0, to = 100, length.out = 1e4)
    y_0 <- c(R = 50, C = 20)
    out <- ode(y = y_0, times = time_vec, func = lv, parms = NULL, method = "lsoda")
    eps <- 1e-2
    ## event triggered if state variable <= eps
    rootfun <- function (t, y, pars) {
      return(y - eps)
    ## sets state variable = 0
    eventfun <- function(t, y, pars) {
      if (y[1] <= eps) y[1] <- 0
      if (y[2] <= eps) y[2] <- 0
    out1 <- ode(y = y_0, times = time_vec, func = lv, parms = NULL, method = "lsoda",
               rootfun = rootfun,
               events = list(func = eventfun, root = TRUE))
    plot(out, out1)