How do I make my Bokeh plot show up to the right of some content?
I have a template where an image is correctly positioned relative to the other content. When I replace that image with the div
provided by bokeh.embed.components
it over-writes other content in the resulting html.
What I want is to replace the placeholder US map image below with a Bokeh plot
What I get is that the Bokeh plot overwrites the content on the left
import bokeh.plotting as blt
import bokeh.embed
import bokeh.resources
import jinja2
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('.')
jenv = jinja2.Environment(line_statement_prefix='#', loader=loader)
t = jenv.get_template('bokeh_jinja.html')
p = blt.figure(title='Problem Demonstration',
x_range=[0.0, 10.0], y_range=[0.0, 10.0]), 1.0)
(script, div) = bokeh.embed.components(p)
with open('tmp.html', 'w') as ouf:
# #ouf.write(t.render(bokeh_script='', bokeh_div="Hello World"))
h = t.render(bokeh_script=script, bokeh_div=div, handedness='Right')
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title> Layout Test 1 </title>
<meta charset="uft-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
.summary-info {
float: left;
width: 30%;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div class="summary-info">
<div class="image-dec">
{% for image in images %}
<img src={{image}} alt="Image Not Found" height=256>
{% endfor %}
<div class="stats-block">
<dt>Name:</dt><dd> {{name}}</dd>
<dt>Position:</dt><dd> {{position}} </dd>
<dt>Hand:</dt><dd> {{handedness}}</dd>
<dt>Hometown:</dt><dd> {{hometown}}</dd>
<dt>ML Teams:</dt><dd>{{teams|join(', ')}}</dd>
<div class="map">
<!-- If I edit the resulting HTML and replace the bokeh generated div with
this image, I get the kind of results I want
<img src=""
alt="Map Not Found" height=512>
The key missing parameter was setting display: flex;
in the container holding the elements. Though this might bad style, I just set it as a parameter for the body
, i.e. a section
body {
display: flex;
in the CSS.