Search code examples

Smarty While Nested Loop Show Only First Row

I want to have a category and it's sub-category and i'm using smarty. Here's the code that I use to show the data.

global $conn;
$res_groups = array();
$stmt = $conn->prepare("
    SELECT * FROM groups
while ($group = $stmt->fetch()){
    $groups = array();
    $groupsID = $group['id'];
    $groups['name'] = $group['name'];

    $programs = array();
    $stmt = $conn->prepare("
        SELECT * FROM listings WHERE group_id = '$groupsID'
    while ($program = $stmt->fetch()){
        $programs[] = $program;
    $groups['listings'] = $programs;
    $res_groups[] = $groups;

$smarty->assign('groups', $res_groups);

From that code, I got result like this

1. New Group
-- Sub category
-- Sub category

What I want is to have all groups that is in my database, and it should be like this

1. New Group
-- Sub category
-- Sub category

2. Second Group
-- Sub category
-- Sub category

3. Third Group
-- Sub category
 (and so on for Group 4,5,6)

Someone can help me out from this problem?


  • After a day searching for an answer, I found my own answer. Here is the working code

    global $conn;
    $res_groups = array();
    $stmt = $conn->prepare("
        SELECT * FROM groups
    while ($group = $stmt->fetch()){
        $groups = array();
        $groups['id'] = $group['id'];
        $groups['name'] = $group['name'];
        $groups['type'] = $group['type'];
        $groups['description'] = $group['description'];
        $groups['sort'] = $group['sort'];
        $groups['status'] = $group['status'];
        $groups['listing_reg_type'] = $group['listing_reg_type'];
        $groups['listing_per_page'] = $group['listing_per_page'];
        $groups['listing_fee'] = $group['listing_fee'];
        $groups['listing_reinvest__fee'] = $group['listing_reinvest_fee'];
        $programs = array();
        $stmts = $conn->prepare('
            SELECT * FROM listings WHERE group_id = "'.$groups['id'].'"
        while ($program = $stmts->fetch()){
            $programs[] = $program;
        $groups['listings'] = $programs;
        $res_groups[] = $groups;

    hope this help others