For debugging purposes I tried including all tests and still failsafe is only picking up one test (ChangePriorityTest). All tests are being compiled successfully in the correct target directory.
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Test project to improve our CI pipeline</description>
<!-- Plugins -->
<!-- Unit test report -->
Directory structure:
- src
|- test
|-- java
|--- at/test/citest
|---- domain/model/todo
|----- ChangePriorityTest
|---- interfaces/rest/todo
|----- TodoRestDocumentation
|---- TestIntegrationTest
I tried downgrading the version, including all tests via **/*
Am I missing something here?
I fixed it by using JUnit 4 instead of 5 and replacing the two JUnit 5 dependencies (junit-jupiter-engine and junit-jupiter-api) with JUnit 4.
Still don't know what the problem was ...