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Bazel go_binary c-shared link mode: Where is the header?

I'm trying to use Bazel (v1.0.0) rules_go to build header + library as I would with go build -buildmode=c-archive. I have the following rule set up in my BUILD.bzl file:

   srcs = ["cpp_bridge.go"],
   cgo = True,
   linkmode = "c-archive",
   visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

The current code of cpp_bridge.go is just a hello world to see if it works:

package main

import "C"

//export Add
func Add(a, b int) int { return a + b }

func main(){}

Bazel does generate a library file, but I'm missing the associated header file in the bazel-bin output. Testing with go build yields both header file and library. How do I get Bazel to give me the same.


  • When linkmode = "c-shared" and linkmode = "c-archive" are defined, there are a few additional targets that are defined by adding a suffix to the end of the go_binary name. So for example, you can build go_cpp_bridge.c_hdrs to get the header file. You can build for a cc_library that can be linked with other C/C++ targets. The header is named after the go_binary rule (so go_cpp_bridge.h).

    To extend your example, here's a working build file:

    load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
        name = "go_cpp_bridge",
        srcs = ["cpp_bridge.go"],
        cgo = True,
        linkmode = "c-archive",
        name = "main",
        srcs = ["main.c"],
        deps = [""],

    And a C program that links against Go:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "go_cpp_bridge.h"
    int main() {
      printf("%lld\n", Add(21, 21));
      return 0;

    This isn't documented because it's not a great interface. Since this was implemented, Bazel has added better ways to write C/C++ compatible rules, but rules_go doesn't support that yet. #2176 is the tracking issue for that.