I use Entity framework 6 (database first) in my mvc project. The database has a table called User which has columns like name, adress, email. In my project I therefore have the User.cs class auto generated in my project. I need to extend that user class with some properties. Should I create this in order to extend the class with this prpoerty..?
public partial class User
public bool SomeBoolProperty { get; set; }
If so where do I add it? I tried to add it under a folder called partials\user.cs but when doing so this property is not available when looking at what properties is available.
You can have a child class derived from User class .
public class childClass:User
public bool SomeBoolProperty { get; set; }
You can access these property like this
User _user= new ChildClass();
_user.SomeBoolProperty =10;