In C++, given a class hierarchy, the most derived class's ctor calls its base class ctor which then initialized the base part of the object, before the derived part is instantiated. In Python I want to understand what's going on in a case where I have the requirement, that Derived subclasses a given class Base which takes a callable in its __init__
method which it then later invokes. The callable features some parameters which I pass in Derived class's __init__
, which is where I also define the callable function. My idea then was to pass the Derived class itself to its Base class after having defined the __call__
class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self, a, b):
def _process(c, d):
do_something with a and b
self.__class__.__call__ = _process
super(Derived, self).__init__(self)
method or is it ok to do it the way I did?What is the exact order of initialization here?
Well, very obviously the one you can see in your code - Base.__init__()
is only called when you explicitely ask for it (with the super()
call). If Base
also has parents and everyone in the chain uses super()
calls, the parents initializers will be invoked according to the mro.
Basically, Python is a "runtime language" - except for the bytecode compilation phase, everything happens at runtime - so there's very few "black magic" going on (and much of it is actually documented and fully exposed for those who want to look under the hood or do some metaprogramming).
Does one needs to call super as a first instruction in the init method or is it ok to do it the way I did?
You call the parent's method where you see fit for the concrete use case - you just have to beware of not using instance attributes (directly or - less obvious to spot - indirectly via a method call that depends on those attributes) before they are defined.
I am confused whether it is considered good practice to use super with or without arguments in python > 3.6
If you don't need backward compatibily, use super()
without params - unless you want to explicitely skip some class in the MRO, but then chances are there's something debatable with your design (but well - sometimes we can't afford to rewrite a whole code base just to avoid one very special corner case, so that's ok too as long as you understand what you're doing and why).
Now with your core question:
class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self, a, b):
def _process(c, d):
do_something with a and b
self.__class__.__call__ = _process
super(Derived, self).__init__(self)
is a class attribute and is shared by all instances of the class. This means that you either have to make sure you are only ever using one single instance of the class (which doesn't seem to be the goal here) or are ready to have totally random results, since each new instance will overwrite self.__class__.__call__
with it's own version.
If what you want is to have each instance's __call__
method to call it's own version of process()
, then there's a much simpler solution - just make _process
an instance attribute and call it from __call__
class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self, a, b):
def _process(c, d):
do_something with a and b
self._process = _process
super(Derived, self).__init__(self)
def __call__(self, c, d):
return self._process(c, d)
Or even simpler:
class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self, a, b):
super(Derived, self).__init__(self)
self._a = a
self._b = b
def __call__(self, c, d):
do_something_with(self._a, self._b)
Base requires a callable in ins init method.
This would be better if your example snippet was closer to your real use case.
But when I call super().init() the call method of Derived should not have been instantiated yet or has it?
Now that's a good question... Actually, Python methods are not what you think they are. What you define in a class
statement's body using the def
statement are still plain functions, as you can see by yourself:
class Foo: ... def bar(self): pass ...
"Methods" are only instanciated when an attribute lookup resolves to a class attribute that happens to be a function:
Foo().bar main.Foo object at 0x7f3cef4de908>> Foo().bar main.Foo object at 0x7f3cef4de940>>
(if you wonder how this happens, it's documented here)
and they actually are just thin wrappers around a function, instance and class (or function and class for classmethods), which delegate the call to the underlying function, injecting the instance (or class) as first argument. In CS terms, a Python method is the partial application of a function to an instance (or class).
Now as I mentionned upper, Python is a runtime language, and both def
and class
are executable statements. So by the time you define your Derived
class, the class
statement creating the Base
class object has already been executed (else Base
wouldn't exist at all), with all the class
statement block being executed first (to define the functions and other class attributes).
So "when you call super().__init()__
", the __call__
function of Base
HAS been instanciated (assuming it's defined in the class
statement for Base
of course, but that's by far the most common case).